
A Cannabis Roundtable Discussion | HGP#51

Christina sits down with veterans, Josh Biddix and Lyle Nicholson, to discuss North Carolina SENATE BILL 3 THE COMPASSONATE CARE ACT, which would legalize cannabis in NC for medical purposes. The trio also discuss the benefits of medical cannabis as it personally relates.

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CBD + Hemp: Oak City Cannabis | Tim McChesney HGP #24

Oak City Cannabis owner Tim McChesney is one of the few farmers participating in the Industrial Hemp Pilot Program. Tim has a small, 3 acre farm of about 2,000 plants. His farm focuses more on a high quality plant resulting in high quality CBD products.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Hemp: Plants, Seeds, Strains, and Content
  • Farm Life: Growing Hemp, NC Pilot Program
  • CBD: Benefits and Uses
  • CBD Products: Flower, Oil, Edibles, and Topicals.

Industrial hemp is the same species as marijuana (Cannabis sativa) but the two crops are distinguishable by their tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. Marijuana contains both THC and CBD, and these compounds have different effects. Hemp is limited to 0.2% to 0.3% THC. THC levels in marijuana are generally 3%-15%. The least processed form of the cannabis plant, known as hemp, contains most of the CBD used medicinally. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. This means that it does not change the state of mind of the person who uses it. However, CBD does appear to produce significant changes in the body, and some research suggests that it has medical benefits, including pain relief.

Mitch McConnell (R) introduced Farm Bill 2018 on April 12, 2018, which could fully legalize industrial hemp. The Hemp Farming Act is a proposed law to remove hemp from Schedule I controlled substances list and making it an ordinary agricultural commodity. Now, after four years of research Congress is expected in September to make the crop legal for Americans to grow for the first time in nearly 50 years.

Connect with Tim: FB @OCCNC or

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Healing Powers of Chinese Medicine |TCM Practitioner and Awesome Formulas founder: Jeremy Linquist HGP #016

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist, and Awesome Formulas founder, Jeremy Linquist joins us to talk about the healing powers of TCM.  Topics discussed include Chinese herbs, mushrooms, opioid addiction, cannabis, integrative medicine, and his very own hangover formula, Dr. Awesome.

Jeremy Linquist, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac, MSTOM, has been a licensed acupuncturist since 2008 after graduating Summa Cum Laude with a Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine (MSTOM) from the prestigeous Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, CA. He continued his studies by completing the International TCM Training Program of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture at the Chengdu University of TCM in Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

Recommended books: The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuk. Between Heaven and Earth by Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Korngold. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. HGP recommendation: Thai Stick: Surfers, Scammers, and the Untold Story of the Marijuana Tradby Peter Maguire and Mike Ritter

And an HGP favorite video from “Strange Buds” Season 1, Episode 1:

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